your intentions 8 Holy Masses, April 21-28

Dear Friend,
Today is Day
Two on our meditation and prayers to Our Lady and St. Gianna
In Day Two, we witness St. Gianna,
an ordinary person become extraordinary by resurrecting a spirit of
meekness, a combination of strength and gentleness, in defense of the
Faith. We also will seek the intercession of Our Lady of
As you and I reflect on the
Resurrection of Christ from the dead, it behooves us to consider our
own dying to pride and resurrection in humility so our Catholic lives
truly influence our culture and society.
Please continue to pray the
Nine-Day Novena with us! After today, only those who submitted their
intentions and signed up for the novena will receive Days
If you haven’t had a chance
to submit your intentions or would like to
update them, for
the Eight Holy Masses, from April 21-28, please do so
Together, let us storm heaven to
ask Our Lady and St. Gianna to intercede for all the desires of our
hearts, and most especially for the needs of Cardinal Burke and his
continued good health.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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