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Meet intellectual leaders who know the power of the polemic -- Saturday April 22, in person in NYC or on Zoom, RSVP below

*Participation at this event does not constitute endorsement of any candidacy, but rather indicates a commitment to coalition building to end the war drive.

 Dennis Speed

Dennis Speed, leader of LaRouche's "Manhattan Project," hosts the weekly Saturday meeting of The LaRouche Organization, featuring strategic thinkers like Ray McGovern, Cliff Kiracofe, as well as Helga Zepp-LaRouche.  He has written extensively for Executive Intelligence Review, the journal founded by Mr. LaRouche in the late 60's, known for its strategic forecasting and international overview. 

Gerald Celente

Gerald Celente is the Founder/Director of the Trends Research Institute and Publisher of the weekly Trends Journal magazine. He is the author of the highly acclaimed and best-selling books Trend Tracking and Trends 2000 (Warner Books).

Self-described as a “Warrior for the Prince of Peace,” American patriot Celente is also the Founder of "Occupy Peace & Freedom," a not-for-profit movement to honor the Constitution and Bill of Rights and restore Freedoms, and the Universal Church of Freedom, Peace and Justice, a haven for truth-seeking individuals of any faith that hold the shared vision of a future where all human beings are allowed to exercise their God-given right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 



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