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Friday, April 21st, 2023


How an Immoral Banking System Has Made a Financial Collapse Possible

Laura Davidson

They Know It’s a Baby?

Tony Pivetta

The Book of Acts Does Not Support Communism

Paul Kengor

How Quickly Will the Dollar Collapse?

Alasdair Macleod

How Long Have You Been Consuming Gene Therapied Pork?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Transhumanism – Using Child Volunteers for Genetic Modification

Helena Glass

Top Whistleblower Dr Rima Laibow Warns Globalists Preparing New Bio Attack

Alexandra Bruce

Austerity, War & Dictatorship… the Charade of Western Democracy Is Over. Can We Lose Those Chains?

Finian Cunningham

Biden DOJ Indicts Four Americans for ‘Weaponized’ Free Speech

Caitlin Johnstone

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Steve Kirsch Discuss Democracy, Censorship, and the Free Flow of Ideas

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

New York City To Track Personal Food Choices Using Credit Card Data

Igor Chudov

The United States of Gerontocrats

Moon of Alabama

Political Theatre

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