Week of prayer:
Our Society

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.” 1 JOHN 5:14

Dear supporter,

Please join with us in prayer today.


Week of prayer: Spring 2023

16-22 April




There is constant pressure to move away from God’s good instructions for his world.

“...seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.JEREMIAH 29:7


Please pray:

  • For true repentance and revival in the UK;
  • For positive media coverage for those upholding the truth that it is impossible to change sex;
  • That the Government would regulate gambling much more strictly;
  • That children will be protected from an increasingly sexualised culture;
  • For more Christians to live out our calling to be salt and light in society;
  • With thanksgiving that Christians are free to proclaim the Gospel in the UK.

Pray with us

Week of prayer daily video
Week of Prayer: Spring 2023 leaflet     

Download the Week of prayer leaflet and find specific points for prayer and thanksgiving.



PrayerMate app

Yours in Christ,
Colin Hart
Colin Hart
The Christian Institute