Nation's Oldest and Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Is Outraged by Memo Outlining Cookie-Cutter Discriminatory Practices Against Mexicans and Hispanics
Washington, DC - The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) strongly denounces the racist policies against Hispanic people within the Florida State Attorney's office. Lawyers and their staff in multiple offices have well-known this reprehensible behavior. A cookie-cutter disparate treatment was posted on a large sheet of paper on the bulletin board and circulated as a policy memo as a notice for all to follow. This embedded dual treatment of Hispanics versus others is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.
"This revelation hits us right in the gut! It's sickening," says David Sinclair, LULAC Florida state director. "It's sad that today the roots of justice can be so rotten in that corner of our beautiful state that this stench permeates our efforts at reconciliation," he added.
Prosecutor Mackenzie Hayes, who worked in the office for only one week, had the courage to expose this racist practice. LULAC commends her for speaking out against these discriminatory policies and bringing attention to this important issue. Further, LULAC is appalled that Campbell's staff is responsible for residents across six Florida counties with 50 lawyers and an equal number of support staff, nearly all of them white.
"It's crucial that the law is applied with equity and without prejudice," says Mari Corrugedo, LULAC national vice-president for youth. "That is the only way We, The People, can be guaranteed justice and fair accountability," she adds.
According to Hayes, the lawyers in the office referred to the targeted residents as Mexicans or simply said "us versus them." This kind of language is unacceptable and offensive. LULAC stands with the Hispanic community in Florida and demands immediate action be taken to address these racist policies.
"As a native Floridian, I remember the panhandle of Florida being known as the Bible Belt, very Christian at that," says Delma Rodriguez, president of LULAC Council 7082. "What the prosecutors in Leon and Jefferson counties are doing is not only racist but also very anti-Christian. They are definitely not following the 'Golden Rule,'" Rodriguez states.
Doming Garcia, LULAC national president, issued a call for federal action. "LULAC urges the US Attorney General to thoroughly investigate the agency and cases it may have mishandled. This investigation should include a comprehensive review of the practices within the office and the measures taken to address these issues."
LULAC is deeply troubled by the alleged misconduct exposed by this whistleblower. We strongly condemn any form of discrimination or unequal treatment based on race, ethnicity, or any other characteristic. We call on the Florida State Attorney's office to take immediate steps to ensure that all individuals are treated fairly and equally, regardless of their background.
LULAC stands in solidarity with the Hispanic community in Florida. We will continue to fight for justice and equality for all. LULAC is committed to ensuring everyone has equal access to justice and the opportunity to live without fear of discrimination or bias. We will not rest until justice is served and these racist policies are eliminated.

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About LULAC The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit |