The ETHICS Act would take us one step closer to restoring faith in Congress. Join us in telling your elected officials it’s a no-brainer!

Do you trust your elected officials, John?

It seems so simple: The people we send to Congress should have our backs. Voters should be able to trust that our elected officials have our best interests at heart.

But right now, poll after poll shows the trust just isn’t there.1

One major reason why is that we continue to allow members of Congress to trade stocks while in office – with little oversight and accountability. Until our elected officials get serious about cracking down on real or perceived conflicts of interest, the crisis of confidence will only get worse.

That’s why we’re calling on Congress to pass the Ending Trading and Holdings in Congressional Stocks (ETHICS) Act to address this serious conflict of interest.

Join us in demanding lawmakers pass the ETHICS Act by sending a message to your members of Congress today!


The ETHICS Act would:

  • prohibit members of Congress and their families from owning or trading stocks.
  • include financial penalties for continuing to hold or trade covered assets.
  • take us one step closer to restoring public faith in Congress.

A recent poll found that 70% of voters believe that members of Congress should not be permitted to trade individual stocks.2 Passing the ETHICS Act is a no-brainer.

Let’s make sure our elected officials know that we need them to act NOW to crack down on corruption and put an end to conflicts of interest.

Thanks for speaking out,


Megan Caska
Senior Political Director

[1] Pew Research

[2] Business Insider


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