Dear John,

Oklahoma just became the latest state to vote to bypass Congress and support imposing term limits on the U.S. House and Senate.

This is a huge and important victory for the American people. We are one step closer to finally reining in the professional politicians in the U.S. Congress. This victory will rock D.C.!

We defeated the career politicians in Oklahoma by running ads, having citizens lobby their state legislators, and by literally sending people door to door in the neighborhoods of "on the fence" state senators.

That means we know how to beat anti-term limits forces in other states, too!

Please make a donation today to support our national effort to bypass Congress and call the Term Limits Convention.  


This battle now shifts to North Carolina where we must have the funds to run a similar program.

The North Carolina state house already voted in favor of the Term Limits Convention.

But it's tough going in the state senate.

However, today's victory in Oklahoma proves that our new strategy works.

Ads, grassroots, door-to-door!

Please, give whatever you can.  It is really urgent that you act today.

Remember, we are bypassing Congress entirely with this state-by-state campaign.

And with this huge and hard-fought victory in Oklahoma, term limits supporters have the momentum.

No matter where you live, these state-by-state battles affect you.

Going state-by-state to call the Term Limits Convention is how we will put term limits on the U.S. House and U.S. Senate.

And today, we are one state closer to that goal!

We now know exactly which combination of tactics work.

We just need the funds to implement them.

Please do whatever you can immediately. 

Today is a great and historic day for America.


Philip Blumel
U.S. Term Limits

U.S. Term Limits
1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 700  | Washington, District of Columbia 20036
(202) 261-3532 | [email protected]

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