Hello John,

Our state is missing its climate pollution reduction targets. In 2020, we missed our climate pollution reduction goal by 13% and in 2021, by 19%. The numbers are clear: we need to do more, and we need to do more now. In our state, our homes and buildings are the second largest source of climate pollution. Climate activists are in Salem today for Building Resilience Lobby Day, where they’re advocating for passing the Resilient, Efficient Buildings Package (SB 868 - 871). Passing these bills will help us reduce climate pollution created by our homes and buildings, save money on utility bills, and create more clean energy jobs in our state. 

Will you write to your lawmakers today telling them that we need to invest in new climate programs and pass the Resilient, Efficient Buildings Package now?

The Resilient, Efficient Buildings Package includes the following four bills:

  • Healthy Heating and Cooling for All (SB 868): Provides Oregonians with financial assistance and other help to purchase and install heat pumps, prioritizing low-income households and those at highest risk from extreme weather. Also sets a target to install half a million heat pumps for efficient heating and cooling by 2030.
  • Build Smart from the Start (SB 869): Ensure new buildings are constructed efficiently to save Oregonians' money on energy bills, improve indoor air quality, and reduce climate pollution.
  • Building Performance Standards (SB 870): Set standards for energy efficiency and pollution reduction for large, commercial buildings with flexible requirements and financial incentives for owners to make the upgrades.
  • Smart State Buildings (SB 871): Reduce climate pollution from state-owned buildings, helping to reach our pollution reduction goals and making sure that our government leads by example.

The Resilient, Efficient Buildings Package will help us prepare for worsening climate harms like extreme heat, drought, stronger storms, and a longer wildfire season. Better windows, doors, and insulation in the places we gather reduce drafts and waste less energy. They keep clean air and comfortable temperatures inside, helping us save money and protecting us from air pollution, wildfire smoke, and extreme temperatures. 

Low-income households, rural Oregonians, and BIPOC communities disproportionately bear the brunt of climate harms due to economic disinvestment. These bills help ensure that everyone can access safe, healthy, affordable, and resilient communities and reduce the amount of climate pollution that our homes and buildings generate. Join all the voices in the State Capitol today that are calling for climate-friendly homes and buildings by writing to your lawmakers urging them to pass the Resilient, Efficient Buildings Package.

Thank you for taking action,

Julia DeGraw

Coalition Director, OLCV

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 Paid for by Oregon League of Conservation Voters.