Vote for Michigan in the Super Swing State Poll


FIRST, Michigan voters elected Democrats to the state legislature and took back control of state government for the first time in decades.

THEN, Michigan Democrats proved what real leadership looks like and passed legislation to create commonsense gun violence prevention laws, remove the unconstitutional abortion ban, repeal right to work, and so much more.

NOW, we are preparing for 2024 where we need to defend our majority in Michigan's State House so Michigan Democrats can continue leading and pass critial legislation that moves Michigan forward! In order to help Michigan Democrats win, we need resources to organize, train, and recruit across the state. That's where you come in, Team.

The Daily Kos launched a Super Swing State poll to see which state Democratic Party will win their fundraising help leading up to 2024. The poll closes in less than 2 hours. If you agree that Michigan is the most critical swing state in 2024, make sure you get your vote in before the Super Swing State poll closes at 1 PM ET! Don’t forget — you can vote as many times as you want.


Thank you!

– Team MDP


Paid for by the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 606 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933, Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate committee.
This email was sent by Michigan Dems, Building a Stronger Michigan

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