From Independent Institute <[email protected]>
Subject This Earth Day 🌎, push back against hot talk.
Date April 20, 2023 3:00 PM
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It’s time to get right with science.

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Snow-white polar bears flail their majestic paws, drowning in melted ice caps they once called home.

Ever-rising sea levels threaten to submerge cities across the world in polluted, oil-filled saltwater.

Civilization as we know it will come to an end…

…unless we all get on board with carbon taxes, paper straws, new international bureaucracies, and whatever else the climate alarmists decide to demand next.

Every Earth Day, we’re subject to the same tales of doom and gloom from the same noisy activists.

But are these dark prophecies as inevitable as activists claim?

Are they based on sound science?

Hot Talk, Cold Science: Global Warming’s Unfinished Debate decisively and comprehensively answers these questions. Get your copy NOW! ([link removed])
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Incorporating recent developments in science, economics, and public policy, Hot Talk, Cold Science, is a badly needed de-coding device to a sprawling, highly technical literature, giving readers a clear understanding of what scientists and policymakers know about climate change—and what they don’t. By separating rhetoric from reality, this masterful work allows readers to think beyond the hyperbole and propaganda all too common in media coverage of this heated subject.

Read Hot Talk, Cold Science for an essential, clear-headed analysis of scope and substance on the state of our planet this Earth Day.
Buy The Book ([link removed])
What other scientists are saying about
Hot Talk, Cold Science
“In Hot Talk, Cold Science, Fred Singer looks at the issue of climate change the way a physicist should. He asks probing questions and offers reasoned possibilities. He notes the obvious weaknesses that others too often ignore…. Fortunately, some like Dr. Singer still prefer the joys and value of scientific inquiry.”
—Richard S. Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan Professor Emeritus of Meteorology, M.I.T.

“Hot Talk, Cold Science is an excellent book on the politics and science of climate change.”
—Elliott D. Bloom, Professor Emeritus, Stanford Linear Accelerator Laboratory; team member of 1990 Nobel Prize-winners in physics Jerome I. Friedman, Henry W. Kendall, and Richard E. Taylor.

“Hot Talk, Cold Science by the late Dr. Fred Singer and Dr. David Legates is an enormously important contribution to the ‘unfinished debate on global warming’ and written by two highly authoritative and trustworthy climate scientists. I very enthusiastically recommend the book to everyone who wishes to learn why this debate is anything but ‘settled.’”
—Larry S. Bell, Endowed Professor, Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture, University of Houston
Buy this Book and Win Your Next Debate! ([link removed])

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