Dear John,
Last year, Congress voted to redefine marriage, exposing Americans with a religious belief or moral conviction that marriage is or ought to be between a man and a woman to even more targeted attacks for their sincerely held belief in man-woman marriage. Now, we're just beginning to see the fruits of this decision, with new cases popping up and some prior victims being put through the wringer yet again.
Will you contact Delegate Norton now and urge protecttion for Americans with sincerely held beliefs about man-woman marriage?
Crosspoint Church in Maine is taking a stand in the fight for Biblical marriage and sexuality. The church operates Bangor Christian Schools. Recently, the church filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court in response to a recently enacted law for Maine's school choice program. The law requires that Christian schools recognize sexual orientation or gender identity. This forces schools like Bangor Christian to either reject the truth that marriage is between a man and a woman and that gender is defined by biology or forego participation in a program vital to students. This policy, despite its name, directly discriminates against schools just like the one run by Crosspoint Church from participating in the program because of their beliefs on marriage and sexuality.
Unfortunately, cases like these are likely to become more frequent, which is why Congress must act.
Thankfully, Rep. Chip Roy (TX) is leading the charge to establish protections for such marriage beliefs by making sure that federal funds are not used to discriminate against sincere people of faith.
Tell Delegate Norton to support Rep. Roy's efforts and click here to see if they have already shown their support.
No government should be allowed to discriminate against someone solely due to their sincerely held religious beliefs. Congress must act to ensure that the right of all to participate in society in accordance with their beliefs and worldview is protected.
Your Friends at FRC Action
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