Brothers and Sisters,


I can’t wait to see you all at the Legislative Conference, starting May 7th!


Here it is. The 5 things you have to know affecting the California Labor Movement!


Julie Su for U.S. Labor Secretary

If you are a union activist in California, we don’t need to tell you how great Julie Su is. We know first hand that there is no one more qualified to be President Biden’s Labor Secretary. But her clear pro-worker values, effectiveness and tenacity are making her a target of corporate backlash. Uber, Lyft, Amazon and others are funding a campaign to try to stall her confirmation. We may not have their money, but we can use our people power. Click here to sign this petition from the AFL-CIO to support Julie Su. And then make sure to send it to 5 friends or family members to sign as well. It’s easy! Her confirmation starts on April 20th, so let’s get this done!


Union Women: Stronger Together Conference | June 3-4, 2023.

The State Building Trades and the California Labor Federation are teaming up to unite women from all fields to celebrate and highlight the benefits of union sisterhood. We will come together to learn from union leaders, legislators and more. I hope you will join us for this inaugural Union Women’s Conference. Click here to register. 


Organizing California Institute is Coming to the Bay!

After a super successful California Organizing Institute in San Diego, we are bringing this exciting training to the Bay Area on June 23 - 25th. This is an interactive 3-day training with presentations by experienced union organizers and role-plays based on workplace scenarios. Following the training, participants will have the opportunity to join an organizing drive where they can sharpen their skills with on-the-ground experience in organizing, while helping to strengthen their local unions. The OCI training and organizing drive will be held in partnership with the Alameda, Contra Costa, Napa-Solano, San Francisco, San Mateo and South Bay Central Labor Councils. Registration is limited to 40 spots, so sign up before spaces are filled. We'll be prioritizing registration from participants who can commit to take part in at least some of the Organizing Drive that follows, which will be from June 26-30. Click here to register. 


Students are Organizing at California State University

On Monday, some 4,000 non-academic student workers across the CSU campuses filed a petition to unionize with CSUEU. The campaign is one of the largest non-academic organizing effort in U.S. history, and it would affect working conditions for clerical workers, student media, library assistants and more across the system’s 23 campuses. Yes, we will #UnionizeCalifornia! 


UPS on Notice!

 On April 15th, our brothers and sisters with Teamster locals throughout the state rallied with General President Sean O’Brien for a fair contract from UPS. What’s at stake? Part -time workers deserve the hours and pay they need for a middle-class existence. The IBT has been clear that it will take its 340,000 UPS drivers out on strike if they do not settle their contract by its expiration date on July 31st. It may be a hot union summer, stay tuned!


In Solidarity,


Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher

[Pictured from left to right] Gloria Alvarado (Executive Director of OCLF), Rep. Katie Porter, Peter Finn (Western VP of the Teamsters), Lorena Gonzalez (President of Cal Fed), Chris Duncan (Mayor of San Clemente, Hugo Soto-Martinez (LA City Council-CD13)