Tax Day is officially behind us! Given the annual stress associated with the government fishing into our pocketbooks, we respectfully refrained from asking for support from our readers during the week leading up to Tax Day.
Shift Washington

Tax Day is officially behind us! Given the annual stress associated with the government fishing into our pocketbooks, we respectfully refrained from asking for support from our readers during the week leading up to Tax Day.
But what the Democrats were up to in Olympia last week is a perfect reminder of why our mission at Shift WA is so important. During the last decade, Democrats have increased state spending by multiple digits, raised various existing taxes, and created entirely new taxes. But none of that appears to be enough.
Democrats have now proposed a 20 percent increase in the next budget and – along with the spending spree – a huge new property tax increase. Adding insult to injury, Democrats are also claiming that they care about affordable housing. 
Senate Republican Leader John Braun Senator Braun put it succinctly when he wrote, “Raising property taxes would make the affordability crisis in our state worse, lifting the 1% cap on annual growth goes against the will of the voters, and to say it again, state government doesn’t need more money. We must do better.” 
Of course, Democrats have no issue going against the will of voters when it comes to tax increases. Voters said no to a state income tax, so Democrats circumvented them and passed a capital gains income tax. Voters endorsed a law that limits the growth of property taxes to no more than 1% per year, so Democrats are simply doing away with it altogether. 
Unfortunately, Republicans in the State Legislature have no say in what is going on with the budget. Democrats have completely shut them out of all negotiations. Voters holding Democrats accountable by voting them out of office is the only way to put an end to out-of-control taxes and spending.
Holding Democrats accountable requires voters to know what is going on in Olympia. And you can be sure that mainstream media outlets will not inform them of the facts. But we here at Shift WA – as the only conservative media outlets in our state – are making progress in informing more and more voters about what’s really going on in their backyard. 
Our efforts depend entirely on support from grassroots supporters like you. We’re behind on our mid-month fundraising goal. Will you help by contributing $50, $25, or $10 today?
Thank you,
The Shift WA Team