THE FIRST PRIMARY IS TOMORROW: Go on the record now with who you will be supporting! >> PFAW Member, Just one day until Iowans kick-off the 2020 primaries by heading to caucus to determine a nominee for their state. While Congressional Republicans continue covering up for Trump's attempt to coerce a foreign government into helping him get reelected, Democrats continue making the pitch to voters and drawing the stark comparison between the barbaric and backwards policies of the Republican Party to the transformative and progressive policies being championed by Democratic candidates. If Senate Republicans acquit Trump it will be one of the gravest injustices to our Constitution our nation has ever seen. The morally corrupt Republican Party will prove they are willing to do WHATEVER it takes to maintain their control of the White House, including the tacit sanctioning of foreign interference in our elections. We cannot and will not stand for it -- let us know who you think is the best Democratic candidate to fight back against Trump and Trumpism>> Thank you, -- PFAW ![]()