From VDARE Foundation <[email protected]>
Subject It's Ours! Happy Guadalupe Hidalgo Day!
Date February 2, 2020 2:44 PM
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Happy Guadalupe Hidalgo Day!
Party Like It's 1848

Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona... we fought to make it ours
(remember the Alamo
So let's keep it that way!

America is not a melting pot, or a tossed salad or any other fashionable
dietary metaphor that strips our nation of its rightful identity. We
founded a country unique to history that has its own philosophies,
values, social structure, attitudes, festivals, foods and aesthetic. strives to preserve and celebrate the distinctive culture of

So let's Party Lke it's 1848!

Let the Cultural Marxists have Cinco De Mayo. We'll take Guadalupe
Hidalgo Day!

Need some fabulous party ideas? We've got you covered.

Click Here For Guadalupe Hidalgo Day Party Planning Tips


Here are some other resources about Guadaloupe Hidalgo Day from the archives:

On the Anniversary of the
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo,

Fight Back and Donate to!

"In a normal country, the anniversary of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
would be regarded as a great day of national celebration, a day to
commemorate when the United States truly became the dominant power on
the North American continent. It was on this day that America secured
California and the Southwest and finally stretched "from sea to shining
sea."    - James Kirkpatrick

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Read the whole thing here!

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Here's Why The U.S. Has Title To The Southwest

"It was a conquest. And historically there's nothing unique about
that... just about all the real estate in the world has been conquered
re-conquered, some of it quite a few times... That includes Mexico

Nor is invading a neighbor country at all rare. In fact, it's the most
common form of international invasion
there is." -
Alan Wall

Bonus: Read about Alan Wall's kinsman, "Mexican Bob," "Monkey Bob," and
"Spunky Bob."

Read the whole thing here!

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Thank you for your support!
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VDARE Foundation, PO Box 211, Litchfield, Connecticut 06759, United States



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