Earthworks 2023 Campaign Plan

Read it below and give us your ideas.


Hi John,

We’re excited to share our 2023 Campaign Plan: Climate on the Brink. If you’re already a member, check your mailbox for the copy we sent out earlier this month.

Earthworks has big goals for the coming year. And we're so excited we wanted to share the plan here with you now and get your ideas about it.

Here's a quick preview of the plan:

  1. Partnering with grassroots and frontline communities to demand an end to fossil fuel expansion.

  2. Holding corporations accountable for their words and actions.

  3. Influencing policies to reform mining practices and reduce methane pollution.

  4. Developing a just and sustainable renewable energy future that doesn’t rely on dirty mining.

You make our work possible. Can you let me know what you think about the plan? I'd love to share your feedback with the team. You can always email me directly at [email protected], too.


Want more details? Here’s a bigger look at the campaign plan:


The number 1 on an orange square background. We're partnering with grassroots and frontline communities to demand an end to fossil fuel expansion.

Oil and gas companies are not safe neighbors. The health risks of living near fossil fuel operations and their climate impacts are well documented. Yet local, state, and federal governments are still backing irresponsible infrastructure proposals that would expand the industry’s footprint in the U.S. when we know that fossil fuels must be phased out.

Earthworks is supporting local resistance to specific projects and building stronger regional coalitions to defeat the industry’s expansion plans for good.None of the oil, gas, and plastics infrastructure projects that Earthworks has been opposing have begun construction and several continue to be significantly delayed. We plan to keep it that way.

The number 2 on an orange square background. We're holding corporations accountable for their words and actions.

Fossil fuel companies are pumping out propaganda that claims they are part of the solution to the climate crisis, when their real agenda is delaying climate action as long as possible to sustain their profits. We will counter false industry claims by revealing the truth, educating the media about the faulty science behind their so-called methane mitigation strategies, and calling for greater industry transparency and accountability.

Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) cameras show the impacts of oil and gas by recording methane pollution not visible to the human eye. We will continue using OGI to help communities hold operators accountable for their pollution and push for better regulations and enforcement by local, state, and federal governments.

This year, Earthworks will expand this powerful tool’s reach internationally to pressure governments into upholding their global methane commitments.

The number 3 on an orange background. We'll continue influencing policies to reform mining practices and reduce methane pollution.

New, stronger EPA methane rules are critical to reducing climate pollution, but require enforcement with teeth. Our field teams in key states like Colorado, New Mexico and Pennsylvania will ensure that upcoming state implementation plans are effective to curb emissions and protect community health and safety.

We will build on our recent successes with the Biden Administration and Congress in recognizing the need for federal mining reform to support sustainable mineral sourcing for a just, clean, and equitable transition to renewable energy.We will advocate for strong hardrock mining regulations from the Department of the Interior that allow land managers to prioritize other land uses, conservation values, and Indigenous rights protections over mining. We will also push for the advancement of the Clean Energy Minerals Reform Act.

The number 4 on an orange background. We're committed to developing a just and sustainable renewable energy future that doesn’t rely on dirty mining.

Earthworks supports the transition to 100% renewable energy. Mining companies have been lobbying to fast-track new mining and reduce safeguards in the name of meeting demand for renewable energy minerals.

Mining poses serious risks that cannot be ignored, and that we don’t need to incur in order to transition to clean energy. Mining cannot move forward responsibly unless there is informed consent and input from indigenous and local communities.

Earthworks will continue to foster and participate in spaces for dialogue and movement-building among mining impacted communities, such as the Indigenous-led SIRGE (Securing Indigenous Peoples Rights in the Green Economy) Coalition.

None of this work is possible without your partnership, action and support. Please let us know what you think and how you can help with the 2023 Campaign Plan.

All the best,


Abigail Foster

P.S. If you’re looking for the next step, consider investing in the Earthworks Campaign Plan on a monthly basis for $15, $30 or even as little as $5 a month. This is one of the best ways to support families on the frontline of dangerous mining, drilling and fracking.

The cover of Earthworks 2024 Campaign Plan has the title, Climate on the Brink, and photos of climate impacts around the world.  |  Make a Donation

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