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Welcome to #Democracy2043

Our panel of innovators will scan the horizons of democracy at this free event. Bring your ideas, too.

Online and in-person.

A better future - mapping the journey to Democracy 2043
Wed 24 May 2023, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm.
Book your place now to attend in-person at Sheffield's Showroom Workstation, or to join the livestream online.
Book your free tickets here.

This event is part of the Festival of Debate.

Imagine you had 20 years to shape a better democracy...

...what would that look like? And what do we need to be putting in place now to make it happen?

Most people would agree that we need a healthy democracy: one that's fair, accessible and transparent. It's easy to point to the ways in which our current democracy is not living up to those ideals — but how can we set it on a new, better direction? 

At this free event, our panellists will describe their visions for a better future. We'll be asking for yours, too.

Dr Kim Foale of Geeks for Social Change
Dr Kim Foale, Geeks For Social Change
Geeks for Social Change is a small tech studio creating tools and processes for community liberation. 
Emma Geen of Bristol Disability Equality Forum
Emma Geen, Bristol Disability Equality Forum
Bristol Disability Equality Forum works towards a society where Disabled people are respected and valued, and fully included in their communities and the country as a whole. 
Joy Green, Systemic Futurist
Joy Green, Systemic Futurist
Joy has fifteen years experience of applying futures, foresight and system change methodologies across a wide range of sectors and organisations. 
CIVIC SQUARE is a neighbourhood lab and creative participatory platform focused on regenerative civic and social infrastructure within neighbourhoods.
Louise Crow, Chief Executive at mySociety
Louise Crow, mySociety
Louise started at mySociety as a volunteer and spent several years as a developer and project leader before taking on the role of Chief Executive.

We're looking forward to seeing you there — in person or online.

Book your free tickets here.

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Image credit: birthday cake - Cottonbro Studio.
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