Dear John,
Politics is people. It’s you and me. As the political arm of the climate movement, the Green Party is here to help us all make 2020 the decade of climate action.
Over the next 7 weeks, a group of experts, makers and storytellers will be working with us to create conversations on Instagram to help bring the Green Party’s vision for a more regenerative and fairer society to life.
By joining in the conversation, sharing their content or buying their work, you are helping to support the Green Party.
We need you with us to help build a people-powered movement that can transform our society over the next decade.
This effort relies on all of us doing our part. With that in mind, we’re setting out to raise £20 from 2,500 people to help grow the Green Party.
Will you be one of the founding contributors to our decade of transformation by giving £20?
By working together, we can all be leaders in our families, workplaces, neighbourhoods and communities to kick start a Great Transformation to a Green and fair Britain. As we move towards the local elections on 7 May, I hope the conversations we are creation and the experiences we are offering over the next 7 weeks, will support you to lead change in your own way in your own community.
In hope,
Jonathan Bartley