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Wednesday, April 19th, 2023


Media Covers Up Tracking of Unvaccinated People

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Arbitrary Use of Power: Punishing Those Who Expose Not-So-Secret Government Secrets

William L. Anderson

Did the Neocons Save the World from the Thucydides Trap?

Ron Unz

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Reflects on the Assassination of JFK & RFK

Aubrey Marcus

The Road Ahead…

Bionic Mosquito

Free Those Who Expose Government Misdeeds, Jail Those Who Try To Conceal Them

Caitlin Johnstone

The Housing Bubble: Owners Trapped by Low-Rate Mortgages, Buyers Thwarted by High-Rate Mortgages

Charles Hugh Smith

NPR Just Outed Itself

Tom Woods

The Great Society Before the Great Reset

Helena Glass

How NATO States Sponsored ICC prosecutor’s Putin Arrest Warrant

Max Blumenthal

FDA Directly Involved With Engineering Covid-19 at Fort Detrick & UNC Chapel Hill

Steve Peters

Will the West Turn Ukraine Into a Nuclear Battlefield?

Joshua Frank

Political Theatre

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