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| | En ingles y español |
Vamos a celebrar el Día de la Tierra honrando esta fecha y educando a nuestros niños sobre la importancia de proteger la naturaleza y nuestra comunidad. Podemos hacer divertidas actividades de conservación para demostrar lo mucho que queremos a nuestra Madre Tierra.
Haz click aquí y celebra.
Celebrate Earth Day and show your love for Mother Earth by teaching our children the importance of protecting our environment and community.
We've got some easy tips to get started! |
Photo courtesy of Ben Cushing |
| | En ingles y español |
La Antártica Oriental, el lugar más frío de la Tierra, por primera vez muestra alarmantes señales de calentamiento, amenazando al planeta con una potencial elevación del nivel del mar de 52 metros. La ONU ha emitido su reporte más tajante: llevamos un gran retraso en la lucha climática. Igual, la industria de combustibles sucios sigue comportándose como si fuera 1950.
Pero como escribe el director asociado de Comunicaciones, Javier Sierra, la comunidad internacional está contraatacando con inusitada intensidad y eficacia contra la industria más irresponsable de la historia.
East Antarctica, the coldest place on Earth, for the first time is showing alarming signs of warming, threatening the planet with 52 meters’ worth of sea level rise. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has also issued its most unequivocal report, warning us that we are lagging far behind in the climate fight. Yet, the fossil fuel industry keeps acting as if it were 1950.
But as Associate Director of Communications Javier Sierra writes, the international community is also pushing back with unprecedented intensity and efficacy against the most irresponsible industry in human history. |
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Photo by Tuchman |
| Sierra Magazine |
If you've ever had trouble wrapping your head around the concept of biodiversity, you're not alone. Google Trends reports that searches for "what is biodiversity" have doubled in the past five years. And a Google search for "conservation" generates over a billion results. As the public spotlight belatedly turns to the increasing endangerment of nature, many are trying to understand the terms used to explain the causes of—and solutions to—our current predicament.
Here is a rundown of some of the most commonly used terms in wildlife conservation. |
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| | Sierra Club Awards |
Want to recognize someone who is doing great work in protecting the environment or supporting environmental justice? June 1 is the deadline for nominations for the Sierra Club’s 2023 national awards. We have awards for Sierra Club volunteers, public officials, journalists, photographers, environmental lawyers, and more. We have nomination forms and details on all the awards the Sierra Club offers—we just need your input.
Take a look and add your nomination! |
Photo courtesy of AutoCamp |
| | Sierra Club Brand Partnership |
Regular connection with the outdoors helps us live healthier, more creative, and more conscious lives. With locations outside iconic outdoor destinations, our partner AutoCamp offers modern, design-driven accommodations in nature with the amenities of boutique hotels and bespoke outdoor experiences. This Earth Month, Sierra Club members will receive a special rate to book their next outdoor adventure at AutoCamp. And stay tuned for future educational campaigns, special events, and programming with the Sierra Club and AutoCamp in these outdoor destinations.
Connect with the outdoors and book your AutoCamp trip! |
Canoeing the Allagash, Maine | Photo by Tomas Dundzila |
| | Sierra Club Outings |
It’s that time again: Spring is in the air and new adventures are sprouting up everywhere! Join us for your choice of water journeys, hiking vacations, service trips, international adventures, and so much more. We also have an expanded selection of specialty trips for beginners, LGBTQIA+ people, teens, seniors, and women—as well as a variety of trips for younger adults that are subsidized to make joining these experiences more affordable than ever.
Don't miss your chance to explore these trips while there's still plenty of space available! |
| | Sierra Club Store |
"'Change Powered by People,' to me, means recognizing our inherent interconnectedness. When we come together to protect public lands, create opportunities for people to get outdoors, or phase out a coal plant, it all helps to create the future that we all deserve." - Julia DiPersio, Sierra Club.
Join Julia in sharing the message this Earth Day and get our new sustainable T-shirts at 20% off with code EARTHDAY through April 22.
Get your t-shirt today! |