Join the Bay Area California Young Democrats tomorrow at our Virtual Regional Meeting to learn more about convention, vote on new merchandise, and win fun prizes!
At the recommendation of our Policy and Political Affairs Committee, the Executive Board recently voted to tentatively endorse the following two pieces of legislation and to sign on to the following letter and resolution using the expedited process outlined in our bylaws that allows the board to do so "provided said position is consistent with this organization’s platform."
California Assembly Constitutional Amendment 4 (Bryan et. al. including Bonta) - "This bill would repeal that requirement regarding the disqualification of electors incarcerated for felony convictions, thereby authorizing an otherwise qualified elector serving a state or federal prison term for the conviction of a felony to vote."
- Bill Text
- News Article
California Assembly Constitutional Amendment 6 (Haney et. al. including Lee, Ortega, and Wahab) - "This bill would require individuals who perform work for the Regents of the University of California to have the right to, and be covered by, certain basic state labor standards, as provided. The measure would authorize the Legislature to enact laws that further these rights, define the basic state labor standards, or establish other health, safety, and labor protections for individuals performing work for the regents to the same extent as for other California workers."
- Bill Text
Coalition Letter Asking the Oakland Mayor and City Council to Reallocate $20M from the Police Department to the Transportation Department to Address Street Safety Infrastructure - Letter
- News Article
- Petition
Resolution in Support of Creation of an Independent Sheriff Oversight Board and Office of Inspector General By Supervisor Resolution
- Resolution
- Info Sheet
Members have 48 hours as of this notice to object to an endorsement under this process, therefore pushing the contested item(s) to the next available general membership meeting.
If you would like to do so or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].
Rubén Hernández Story (he/him/él) Communications Director
"In bowling and in life, if a person made the spares, the strikes would take care of themselves." - Stephen King
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