Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress

Hi everyone,

If you’re receiving this, it’s because you’ve always stepped up for our team in the past.

My team just let me know that we’re behind on our fundraising goals for the month.

It wouldn’t normally alarm me but with the GOP in the House majority, abortion access is being taken away in states across the country, and they’re failing to act on important issues like gun safety and climate change. So falling behind even just a little bit could have dire consequences.

We need to raise $2,500 TODAY if we’re going to make up ground. I consider you to be one of my top supporters so I have to ask: will you please donate $10 or more to help us get there?

I’m not willing to take any chances here, folks, so I’m really hoping I can count on your help.

Thank you so much,


Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester is a Democrat representing the First State, Delaware. She served as the National Co-Chair of the Biden-Harris campaign and Co-Chair of the DCCC ‘Red to Blue’ program. Lisa is running for reelection to continue fighting for our health care, leading the charge toward environmental justice, and advocating for working families like hers.

Paid for by Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress

Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress
PO BOX 9767
Wilmington, DE 19810
United States