Dear John,

With McCurtain County’s racist leaders featured as Rachel Maddow’s opening story on MSNBC last night, the world is seeing first-hand what we Oklahomans are dealing with.  At the Oklahoma Democratic Party, we are committed to the values of justice, equality, and fair representation. The actions taken by the so-called leadership of McCurtain County are against all that we believe in.

Shocking reports have unveiled recordings that lay bare their sickening desire to beat, murder, and bury two innocent newspaper reporters in Idabel. The Sheriff and County Commissioners even discussed lynching Black Oklahomans! This abhorrent, racist regime must be REMOVED and replaced immediately.

We call upon Sheriff Kevin Clardy, Commissioners Mark Jennings and Robert Beck, and Alicia Manning to resign immediately. They have proven themselves to be unfit to serve the people of Oklahoma. But we’re not stopping with resignations. We plan to run qualified Democrats to fill these positions.

In order to make this work, we absolutely need your help. Please contribute to our Party today and your donation will help us mobilize voters, support candidates who share our values, and make sure our voices are heard in Oklahoma and throughout the country.

To make a donation, please follow this link:

Democratically yours,

Alicia Andrews
Oklahoma Democratic Party



The Oklahoma Democratic Party
3815 N Santa Fe Ave., Suite 122
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
United States

Authorized and Paid for by The Oklahoma Democratic Party

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