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Hi John, 

When it comes to how we view your email inbox, my number one priority has been to make sure emails from Mothers Against Greg Abbott keep you informed and up-to-date, provide opportunities to get involved with our organization, and, yes, raise money to help sustain things like our organizing and our paid media programs. I hope our emails make you feel like an important part of our organization – because you are.

Over the next few weeks, we’re going to be sending you more updates from the Texas Lege, especially as Mothers Against Greg Abbott gears up for MomForce and our Lobby Day on May 4th. We’ll continue to show how we use our resources – whether it's a video like our newest one, "Lights Out," standing up for public schools, or our sticker campaign for Plan C we know you want all the details on how Mothers Against Greg Abbott is organizing the resistance in Texas. And, of course, we'll also let you know how you can best help us on the ground. 

We’ve learned a thing or two about what you like to see in these emails updates from our policy team, the inside scoop as we take on the Texas Lege, sneak peeks into the ads I've got planned...

And now I'm wondering what else you’re looking for in our emails. Want to hear more from specific members of our team? Need to see more behind the scenes from our local chapters? More ads so we can oppose the GOP on TV? Let us know here!
💡 Submit your idea ›››
As always, I’ll report back and then work hard to make sure you’re seeing the content you want to see. Looking forward to seeing your responses!

Thanks for being here with us,
Nancy Thompson, Founder
Mothers Against Greg Abbott

››› And if you haven't seen it yet, check out our newest ad, "Lights Out" opposing the GOP-led school voucher effort.
Watch now
Pick up your Mothers Against Greg Abbott yard sign and other official gear at the Mothers Against Greg Abbott merch shop. Our yard signs are a great way to show your neighborhood where you stand on the issues that matter most to all our families
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Mothers Against Greg Abbott
PO Box 27881
Austin, TX 78755

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