Help stop HB 2772



A controversial bill is moving through the Oregon State Legislature that has grave implications for the right to protest and the safety of already over-policed communities, including Black, Indigenous, and other Oregonians of color. Take action now and ask our legislators to oppose this dangerous and unnecessary bill.


House Bill 2772 – also known as the "domestic terrorism" bill – has advanced out of the House Committee and is now before the Joint Committee on Ways and Means, despite growing opposition. Civil liberties groups have registered their formal opposition to the bill citing the high likelihood of abuse by law enforcement and a lack of engagement with Oregonians who have disproportionately suffered the impacts of over-policing, including BIPOC communities, houseless individuals, and activists. Environmental and social justice organizations have also voiced opposition, highlighting the long history of protest in Oregon as being critical to the advancement of reforms, and how this legislation could be used to impede this activism.


Protests are a critical tool in the fight for all forms of justice. Activists must continue to exercise their right to bravely take to the streets in demand of the urgent reforms our society so desperately needs. We must tell our legislators to oppose HB 2772 and stop this bill that could be abused against racial, social, and environmental justice activists and protesters.


In solidarity,

The Breach Team



PO Box 5291, Eugene, Oregon 97405

Breach Collective is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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