Thanks to your well-timed and principled help as a part of the MRC ACTION Team, we made a difference.
Before, during, and after 22,000+ people attended the January 20 Rally for Gun Rights at the Virginia Capitol in Richmond, we worked together to push back against the media’s biased, anti-rights narrative.
We helped protect the reputations of over 22,000 decent, peaceful people against the waves of leftist bias and character assassination the media were prepared to throw against them.
MRCTV Director Eric Scheiner was LIVE on the scene, conducting interviews, collecting opinions and true stories, and showing the truth in Richmond to over 395,000 people. A follow-up video
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highlighting Eric’s interactions has been seen by over 277,000.
NewsBusters Managing Editor, Curtis Houck, created a SUPERCUT VIDEO MONTAGE
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of the insulting pejoratives hurled by the media – everything from false claims of “white supremacism” and “extremism” to uninformed and unwarranted fears of the tools of self-defense – and concluded it with CNN’s final admission that the event was peaceful and filled with respectful, conscientious people.
It’s a montage that’s been seen over 900,000 times, and shared on Twitter by Bret Baier, Dave Rubin, Dan Bongino, Dana Loesch, Dinesh D'Souza, David Wohl, Larry Elder, The Resurgent, Dean Cain, The Reagan Battalion, and many more.
1,140 unique MRC grassroots supporters participated in the MRC ACTION CAMPAIGN to demand the media cover the event fairly, producing 3,076 emails, calls, and Tweets to key members of the media. And thanks to you, we put them on notice. We have the evidence to show that media attacks on the character of the attendees and on the principle enshrined in the Second Amendment were unwarranted.
Of course, not all of the positive activities of the rally-goers were covered by the media. You likely won’t see THESE on CNN:
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Video montage courtesy of: The MRC
Photo courtesy of: Richmond Times Dispatch, Frank Green
Rally participants cleaning up trash and making sure the streets were nicer than when they arrived. (Unlike Antifa would do!)
Or these gentlemen:
Photo courtesy of: Richmond Times Dispatch, Frank Green
Photo courtesy of: Richmond Times Dispatch, Alexa Welch Edlund
But they, and thousands like them braved cold temperatures and character assassination to stand up for their rights.
And, with MRC ACTION, Americans in 48 states backed them up. (If you know anyone in Hawaii or North Dakota — ask them to participate in our next 2A campaign!)
The results are clear and wonderfully uplifting! In the past, people like MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, CNN’s Jake Tapper, and ABC’s George Stephanopoulos got away with their biased attacks on gun-owners.
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But, thanks to YOU in the MRC ACTION ARMY, we put the media on notice, and we have the TRUTH! We can show people this powerful MRCTV video
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, revealing the stunning difference between the Virginia Second Amendment Rally, and Antifa “demonstrations.”
WE UNITED ALL OVER AMERICA! Thank you, and please, thank anyone you know who took the time and had the bravery to show up in Richmond. The battles aren’t over, on any front, and we at MRC ACTION are DEDICATED TO MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU TO MAKE A TRUE DIFFERENCE.
And STAY INVOLVED. Right NOW, we wrestle with media on the VITALLY IMPORTANT ISSUE of IMPEACHMENT!
With your help, we can make a profound difference, once more.
P.S. JOIN US to continue the successful battle to
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