Although anything can still happen, if bills are not out of committee hearing by this Thursday, they
are generally not going to pass. While that is a mixed blessing, it does not bode well for many of our priority bills still stuck in committee.
On a positive note, we now have two major priority bills moving in the House.
Representative Patterson’s HB 900, which would remove explicit books from public school libraries, was scheduled for a floor vote on Wednesday.
HB 1686/SB 14, banning gender mutilation of children was voted out of committee to Calendars to be scheduled for a floor vote soon.
This week, we have priority bills in multiple House hearings, including in the Elections and
Public Education committees. We appreciate Elections Chairman Reggie Smith for scheduling several of our LP approved bills for Protect Our Elections
after your calls last week. Please register in favor of
the following RPT Legislative Priority and Election Integrity approved bills at the Capitol this week. Simply click the link for the committee and
scroll to the bottom of the notice, where instructions are given to submit comments electronically.
Tuesday, April 18th House Public Education 8 am E2.036
• HB 1149 Swanson - YES – Parental consent for a Psych exam
Thursday, April 20, 2023
House Elections 8 am E2.016
• HB2809 - YES – Voter Registration crosscheck system. This bill will
eliminate the use of the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) by limiting the expenditure allowed, limiting access to personal data,
limiting activities allowed (no voter registration) of the Interstate Crosscheck program. •
HB1671 - YES – Places Civil Penalties on ballot harvesting • HB862 -
YES – Non-citizen registration cancelation • HB5259 - YES – Relating
to death records maintained and provided by the vital statistics unit of the Dept of State Health Services
• HB1299 - YES – Requires a wet signature on mail ballot envelopes •
HB3449 - YES – Ballots by mail signature timing • HB4399 - YES
– Central Counting Station plan • HB2860 - YES – Maintaining certain voter
registration information, reviewing BBMA and offenses Additionally,
please ask Chairman Smith to pass out these equally important bills that have already had a hearing but were left pending in committee:
• HB 5180 – Requires accessibility by the general public
(within 61 days) to view anonymous voted ballots, cast vote records, and ballot images • HB
3611 – Bans ranked choice voting in Texas. The gains
obtained last session on abolishing abortion are under attack by Democrats. However, several bills to protect and expand those gains languish in
Committee. The House State Affairs Committee has four of those bills before it.
• HB 2813 Tinderholt – Restricting employers from facilitating employees’ travel to obtain an abortion
• HB 3738 Cain – Allowing a right of private action for the enforcement and validity of laws
restricting abortion and includes a waiver of sovereign immunity. • HB 3850 Slaton –
Assuring the restrictions on abortions apply to pregnant biological females who identify as males •
HB 5249 Klick – Prohibiting public entities from providing financial assistance for obtaining abortions and providing for a
private right of action. This Bill is the companion bill to SB 2378 Campbell, which is still pending in the Senate State Affairs
Committee Please call the Chairs of these committees requesting these
bills be voted on and passed out of committee. Senate State Affairs Chair – Sen Bryan Hughes, 512-463-0380; House State Affairs Chair –
Rep Todd Hunter 512-463-0672. A critical Bill (HB 4876 –
Hefner) remains pending in the House Judiciary Committee. This Bill provides for a private right of action against those persons and entities
which perform or assist in unlawful abortions, defined as a “wrongful act.” Notably, included in the definition of “wrongful
act” is the manufacture, marketing, mailing, distribution, transportation, delivery, provision, or possession of mifepristone or misoprostol,
which are abortion-inducing drugs. Today, most abortions are obtained through these drugs rather than clinical abortions. This bill would prevent
their use in Texas, even from out-of-state sources. Please call the House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Rep. Jeff Leach, at 512-463-0790 and voice
your support for this significant legislation. SB 959, by Sen.
Campbell, was passed out of the Senate State Affairs Committee. This bill includes open enrollment Charter Schools as a “public
entity” and prohibits that entity from entering transactions with abortion providers.
On Thursday, April 20th, we are hosting an event to support Banning Gender Modification of Children. In the
morning, please visit House members’ offices to advocate for this priority. Then, in the afternoon, we hear from a broad coalition, including
legislators, grassroots groups, and de-transitioners. We will meet from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Legislative Conference Center in the Capitol
extension. NTX Conservatives are hosting free buses from the Denton, Collin, and Wise county areas. Contact them for more information on their
website. Also, on the 25th – The RPT is
collaborating with grassroots leaders, organizations, religious groups, and churches across the state to come together for the Stop
Sexualizing Texas Kids Day of Action and Prayer at the Texas State Capitol. It will be a full day of legislative action with briefings, a
press conference, and ending with a prayer service in the evening. NTX Conservatives will also have buses for this day. Use the link above to contact
them. Action Steps:
1. Please sign into the House Elections Committee comments link and support our
Elections bills listed above. If you can, come to Austin and testify in person to the Elections committee. 2. Contact House Elections committee members and ask them to
pass our priority bills out of committee following Thursday’s hearing.
3. Contact State Affairs Chair in the House and Senate regarding the pro-life bills listed above.
4. Attend our advocacy day for Ban Gender Modification of Children this Thursday, from
1:30-3:30, in the Legislative Conference Center in the Capitol extension. |
For God and Texas,  Jill Glover SREC, SD
12 Chair, SREC Legislative Priorities Committee
Paid for and Authorized by the
Republican Party of Texas P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768 |