Dear John,

No conversation about gun violence is complete without addressing suicide. In 2016 alone, 23,000 people used a gun to end their life. Firearm suicides have increased nearly every year since 2006, but we are anything but helpless to stop this crisis.

Extreme risk laws, also known as “red flag laws,” are a proven tool to prevent suicide. This policy measure provides a swift, effective way for family members and others to temporarily remove access to guns from a person in crisis.

Evidence shows extreme risk laws save lives. Researchers estimate that one suicide was averted for every 10 or 11 extreme risk orders issued in Connecticut, which in 1999 became the first state to pass an extreme risk law. As of 2020, a total of 17 states and Washington, D.C., have an extreme risk law in place. 

But if we truly want to prevent tragedies, we need this lifesaving legislation on a federal level. That's why we're fighting to pass the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2019. This lifesaving legislation would establish a program that awards grants to states for implementation of extreme risk laws. 

Will you send a message to your members of Congress now asking that they support the the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2019?


We Created an End Family Fire PSA with Station 19!

Are you a fan of Grey's Anatomy? We're excited to share that we teamed up with Shondaland and Station 19 — the Grey's Anatomy hit spinoff — to create a public service announcement about the importance of safe firearm storage and our End Family Fire program. Every day, 8 children and teens are unintentionally injured or killed due to an unlocked or unsupervised gun in the home.

We can #EndFamilyFire by storing all firearms unloaded, locked, and separate from ammunition. And everyone can be sure to always ask about how guns are stored in other homes. It could save a life. Watch and share this moving Station 19 PSA on Facebook!

Brady Celebrates Black History Month

Today marks the start of Black History Month — a time to celebrate and reflect on the contributions made by Black women and men for the betterment of the U.S. Each week, we will honor the many activists, survivors, elected officials, academics, and others who have fought to prevent gun violence in America, including using their voices to draw attention to the disproportionate effects gun violence has on Black and Brown communities.

But this is more than looking backward. As we reflect on history, we must also commit to improving the future. Together, united by the goal of ending gun violence, we must recommit ourselves to preventing gun violence in communities of color — because where you live or what you look like shouldn’t determine if you live. 

Another Victory in Virginia: Lawmakers Send Gun Safety Legislation to Governor’s Desk 

On Thursday, the Virginia House of Delegates passed seven lifesaving bills to prevent gun violence! These bills have now been sent to the governor’s desk and are only one step away from becoming law. This is a strong start to 2020, and it's all because Virginians voted for gun safety champions. Make no mistake, elections matter! Read more. 

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Brady and Team ENOUGH Take Legal Action in Florida 

Following the 2018 tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School — in which a 19-year-old gunman murdered 17 people — Florida lawmakers passed a lifesaving law raising the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21.

But almost as soon as this law passed, the NRA sued Florida to challenge it. Now, we’re fighting back in court.

“We have children killing children. The Legislature has to act. We have to do something to continue to try to move the ball forward on some common-sense gun safety in this state.”
Sen. Tom Lee, a longtime Florida Republican 

Brady and Team ENOUGH, our youth-led initiative, joined our partners Giffords, March for Our Lives Action Fund, and Orange Ribbons for Gun Safety in filing an amicus brief in NRA v. Swearingen. We argue in support of this common-sense minimum age law, called the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act. We point to clear evidence showing that easy access to guns among minors poses a threat to public safety, adding that young people are disproportionately affected by gun violence.

Team ENOUGH is mobilizing young people to fighting against gun violence. Will you join us? Learn more about our work.
Victory! California Assembly Passes Safe Storage Bill 

“We have a responsibility to do everything in our power to prevent firearms from ending up in dangerous hands, and ensuring that guns are safely stored at home is a strong step towards that goal."

Amanda Wilcox, Brady California Legislative and Policy Chair

Thanks to continued advocacy from Brady’s California chapter, a bipartisan bill to ensure safe gun storage has passed the California State Assembly! Under this bill, parents will receive materials about best practices for firearm storage, California’s gun safety laws, and the dangers of improper firearm storage. About 4.6 million children live in homes with access to an unlocked or unsupervised gun. We know this effort to educate and inform parents will save lives and help End Family Fire. Learn more about how Brady California helped advocate for this lifesaving bill.

From the Archives: Honoring Officers McGuire and Lemongello 

About 20 years ago, officer Kenneth McGuire and detective David Lemongello were shot and injured while on duty. Both survived but suffered severe, debilitating injuries from the attack. The man who shot the officers was legally prohibited from buying firearms, but was able to purchase one due to the irresponsible practices of a West Virginia gun dealer. Brady Legal filed suit in 2002, alleging that the gun dealer and manufacturer negligently sold the gun through a straw purchase to a gun trafficker. Brady Legal defeated the gun companies’ motions to dismiss, and in June 2004, the officers reached a landmark $1 million settlement!

This legal settlement was the first time a gun seller paid damages for its role in abetting gun trafficking to criminals. The case also led several West Virginia gun dealers to stop selling guns in bulk by implementing one-handgun-a-month limits to prevent future problems. Want to learn more about our legal work? Subscribe to our monthly Brady Legal Alliance newsletter today!

Subscribe now! 

Brady is Hiring — Join Us! 

Brady has a 45-year legacy of leadership in education, litigation, and legislation to prevent gun violence in America. We are at a unique point in history, ready to expand our team today. Join us!
Learn more about career opportunities at Brady.

This week on Red, Blue, and Brady — 

🎧 If You Know It You Own It
Brady tackles policing, intentional data loss, and how to get rid of guns in a forge. JJ is joined by Brady Vice President of Policy Christian Heyne and David Chipman, Senior Policy Advisor at Giffords and a 25-year veteran of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Listen now.
We thank Brady California for their leadership in advancing a bill to educate parents about safe firearm storage. This legislation will save lives! Tweet now.Gun Control Bills Passed Virginia Despite Show of Force From Opponents, ABC News

Presidential Hopeful Michael Bloomberg Unveils Super Bowl Ad Focused on Combating Gun Violence, CBS 17

Buttigieg on Point that Majority of Republicans Support Background Checks, Politifact

These Jewish Teens Are Working to End Gun Violence, Kveller

Guns and Suicide: A National Crisis, WNYC’s The Takeaway
“The numbers should appall us. There are common-sense solutions that can reduce these tragic events, including suicide by gun and the often under-reported incidents of accidental shootings. Simple fixes such as safe storage practices and basic gun safety mechanisms that help to stop what we term as ‘family fire,’ or incidents where family guns result in tragedy. It’s vital we look at this issue directly. If we can save one child’s life, it’s a victory.”

Dr. Kyleanne Hunter, Brady Vice President of Programs, in CBS17


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