Do you have any other instant foods (or near-instant ones) that you include in your bug-out bag, office snack drawer, or day-to-day carry? Do you like or dislike the suggestions here? What additional things would you suggest?
It’s an ironclad fact that preparedness involves more than just the superficial tasks of physical preparation. It’s also an unassailable fact that prepping must include mental and emotional preparation for one of the most debilitating aspects of disastrous times—grief.
Grief is important to understand because all of us will most likely struggle with the impact of grief at one or more points during our life. Additionally, I’d argue that as the potential for a more significant disaster increases, so too does our possibility of experiencing an increase in grief.
Therefore, it only goes to reason that if you are truly preparing to face disaster, you should, as part of your preparation, learn to recognize and deal with grief in yourself and others.
And that’s precisely what this article is about, so read on!