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Tuesday, April 18th, 2023


Will the End of the Petrodollar End the US Empire?

Ron Paul, MD

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: To Heal the Great Divide

Edward Curtin

One Side Fits All

Tim Hartnett

The Crisis of Humanity Lies at the Feet of Mass Indifference

Gary D. Barnett

Could the Entire Banking System Come Tumbling Down?

Walter E. Block

Beef Producers Panic Over mRNA Vaccine News

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Call the Exorcist

James Howard Kunstler

The Slow Art of Whole-of-Government ‘Warfare’

Alastair Crooke

President Biden Goes All Out (Falsely) on Gun Control Again

Larry Keane

The Elimination of Reason

Jeff Thomas

The Totalitarian Dystopia Is Already Here

Caitlin Johnstone

Rebuilding Ukraine: Confiscating Russian Assets

Helena Glass

Political Theatre

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