Our first short film, Gunpoint, has been winning awards at film festivals across the United States. With all the film’s success, we’ve decided to launch our own streaming platform, ASG.STREAM.

Leading up to our summer launch, we’ll be showing great films, which you can enjoy absolutely free. Join free to get early access and to be a part of our emerging community.

On April 18th, ASG.STREAM will be playing Gunpoint. Watch the teaser here.

Your invite: Join free. Watch free.
Interview with Gunpoint filmmaker, Bill Marsilii

“If you want people to entertain a new idea, usually the new idea has to entertain them first.” – Bill Marsilii
ASG: What do you think of the relationship between politics and film as an artform?

BM: Well, we’ve all heard the late Andrew Breitbart’s famous phrase, “Politics is downstream from culture.” I agree, and I think it’s always been that way. But what’s happening now, perhaps more than at any other time in our culture, is that films and television shows are being made where they’re trying to push a political point at the expense of telling an entertaining story, even jamming it in there when it works against the story.

I think audiences are getting wise to this and are rejecting it in droves, from both sides of the ideological spectrum. Whether a movie is pushing a “woke” left-wing agenda, or a more conservative “faith-based” one, mainstream audiences usually resent having a political talking point that’s pretending to be entertainment jammed down their throats. Doubly so if that message is delivered smugly, as if you’re stupid or hateful if you don’t accept it without question.

That’s not to say films should be empty of political messages — not at all! Film is perhaps our most socially impactful artform, certainly among our most persuasive. But I believe the first fidelity of a filmmaker should always be to entertain, to tell a great story and bring the audience along on the journey. One of the great things about film is that it can broaden people’s horizons or see the world around them differently. But if you want people to entertain a new idea, usually the new idea has to entertain them first.

Read The Full Interview
Watch free @ ASG.STREAM

Best Regards,

Mike Sertic
Advocates for Self-Government

P.S.  We're delighted to be launching ASG.STREAM, and we're partnering with organizations and filmmakers across the freedom movement to make this a success.


The Advocates for Self-Government is a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit organization.  Our mission is to equip people to understand, embrace, and advocate the social values of self-government.

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