For the better part of three years, so many of us only had the bandwidth for what was right in front of us. “What do I need to do today?” was our guiding question. Questions like, “What do I want for next year?” felt vulnerable and a set up for disappointment. Why plan for a future when we didn’t know what tomorrow would bring?
Our collective shift toward only putting out the most immediate fires during the pandemic is a small part of our budget situation. Why invest in a membership and movement-building organization when the future felt too amorphous to grasp?
For the first time in a long time, this spring feels different. More recently, I’m hearing from members and staff is a return to the big questions for a liberated and healed future.
To realize our ambitious plans for a world where everyone has enough, we need you, our beloved community of constituents, alumni, and former members and volunteers to
Our regrown capacity to hope and plan for the future will be guided by our new five-year strategic framework, which I am so excited to share with all of you.
Our mission and vision are the same, we have updated our values to who we are today, but most importantly, we have a clearer and more powerful organizing model:
We bring the people in through base-building, build them up through leadership development, and direct our collective power towards winning campaigns for systemic change, resourcing movements abundantly, and shifting the dominant cultures around wealth.
To do all of that, our movements need a powerful Resource Generation.
Time and time again, our partners tell me that RG members are their favorite donors to work with, and if they could, they’d want all their donors to have been a part of RG. To make that a reality, it will take all of us, and RG is one of the few spaces bringing in the kinds of people who have historically been on the sidelines.
As people with access to wealth and class privilege, we need RG for our own liberation, and the liberation of our people. Our communities, with their histories (and presence) of violence, deserve an opportunity to be a part of a liberated future, and the only way to get there is through repair, right relationship, and rejection of the capitalist illusions of security that come at the expense of other humans and of the earth.
This drive is one small but necessary piece toward fulfilling our mission. To reach our ambitious but achievable goals, we’re asking you, beloved community of constituents, alumni, and former members and volunteers to
Thank you for being a part of this community striving towards justice and liberation in our lifetime.
Yahya Alazrak
Executive Director