URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Tell JP Morgan Chase to commit to FIGHT Formosa Plastics
and its mega-polluting factory before it’s too late! Act now!
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Chase Bank might support a racist, toxic petrochemical plant that would be the
size of 14 FOOTBALL FIELDS along the Mississippi River, threatening communities, ecosystems, and wildlife.
The region is known as CANCER ALLEY because of the nauseatingly-high amount of chemical and toxic pollution in the
region. These predominately Black communities already have more than 200
industrial plants and extremely high cancer rates -- yet Chase could pave the
way for them to get another.
Please, Friend, take immediate action to FIGHT toxic
pollution in Cancer Alley.
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Sign the petition
[[link removed]]Formosa Plastics, the company that wants to build this plant, has a track record
of violating environmental laws. Formosa ILLEGALLY released BILLIONS of plastic pellets into local waterways for years in Texas and has been fined millions of dollars. It can’t be trusted
to build another plant.
Please, Friend, we need your help to push JP Morgan Chase
to OPPOSE this catastrophic petrochemical factory before it’s too late . The PLASTIC APOCALYPSE is getting worse every day. More plastic waste fills our waterways, killing
wildlife, and contaminating our food and water. And the communities where these
plastics are produced face the most acute consequences. Stand up to corporate greed and fight the Formosa Plastics plant in Cancer
Alley by 11:59pm TONIGHT! >>
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Sign the petition
[[link removed]]Standing with you,
Marcie Keever
Oceans and vessels program director,
Friends of the Earth
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