Please accept my apologies if you unexpectedly received an email in Polish from me earlier. We experienced a technical glitch which has now been solved. Here is the email, once again in English: The United Nation’s unelected health agency, the World Health Organization (WHO) is becoming a one power to rule us all. Governments and globalist leaders like Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, and Joe Biden seek to use the next pandemic to control our liberties. They are trying to push through amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) that would give them unprecedented power to counter "misinformation and disinformation,” seizing enormous control over the information we have access to and our personal health choices. All thanks to the “Pandemic Treaty” that they want to approve. We need to act now! The meeting is starting TODAY! We cannot allow an unelected global health agency to dictate what information we can access and what choices we can make about our own health:
SIgn to oppose centralized global governance!
Thanks so much, Ignacio Arsuaga and the entire CitizenGO Team -- Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 The WHO is dangerously close to gaining new, legally binding powers that threaten our civil liberties and national sovereignty. The so-called "Pandemic Treaty" would centralize global governance, erode individual freedoms, and undermine effective health policies. We must act now to protect our rights and personal autonomy! Sign the petition today and urge Joe Biden to oppose this dangerous treaty before it's too late! SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
Since the COVID outbreak, we’ve seen over and over again how Governments and corporations around the world have used the pandemic as an excuse to limit free speech, expand surveillance, and further erode civil liberties. The threat is now more dangerous than ever! The United Nation’s World Health Organization (WHO) latest move is to seize new far-reaching, and legally binding powers to supposedly “improve the so-called prevention, preparedness and response” of future pandemics. In other words… One Power to Rule Us All! The dream of Globalist leaders like Biden, Macron, Merkel, and other leftist tycoons like Soros and Gates come true. In a recent WHO meeting in February 2023, a working group of WHO representatives completed their reading of the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, and agreed on the next steps for more in-depth negotiations to approve a new “Pandemic Treaty”. They planned for their next meeting which will begin in a few days: on April 17-20!! We need to act NOW, before this gets way out of hand:
SIgn the petition urging Joe Biden to oppose the dangerous centralization of global governance on the WHO which would have dire consequences for individual freedoms and the effectiveness to fight against future epidemics.
If we've learnt anything from the pandemic, it is precisely that It was thanks to a diversified approach and NOT global governance, that the world was able to verify and withdraw from effective and ineffective instruments of health policy. But Governments and Globalist leaders realized how powerful it is to control our freedoms just by pressing a single button. If we don’t stop them now and abort the “Pandemic Treaty”, the UN’s World Health Organization will increase powers to: -
Declare “potential” health emergencies -
Develop new global surveillance and data-sharing mechanisms -
Gain powers to counter "misinformation and disinformation,” which means to declare a global “official truth” -
Build capabilities to detect and report potential public health emergencies worldwide -
Respond swiftly to a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) whenever it’s declared by the WHO. That is the current status of the “Pandemic Treaty” draft. The amendments by the United States and the European Union have been included. Unless we act quickly, a legally binding act of international law for so-called pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response will be in force.
It is not difficult to imagine a situation in which the WHO orders an absolute vaccination obligation or lockdown whenever the WHO decides so. We cannot be left defenseless. Please, sign this petition today!
Why is this so dangerous? The binding right to establish one – common for the whole world – strategy to fight future epidemics would by definition take global command, both during and outside of a pandemic (since the document defines coordination powers also outside the pandemic period) eroding the sovereignty of the U.S. and any other country. That means the states no longer will have the sovereign right to determine and manage their approach to public health, and will be governed by one centralized global power. But the threatening nature of this Treaty does not end here: It mentions “health equity,” meaning that citizens from richer states will be forced to pay for a universal (depopulation) basic health coverage, targeting poorer regions with “contraceptives, sterilization, abortion, vaccines and sex change”. These crazy ideas are already being spread through many UN agencies. However the implementation of this “Pandemic Treaty” would only exasperate this perversion and corruption. Not to mention the lack of independence of the funding bodies of the WHO - currently, countries finance less than 20% of the WHO’s budget, while more than 80% comes from public or private donors, mostly private foundations and pharmaceutical companies. What can we do… NOW? In a recent WHO meeting in February 2023, a working group of WHO representatives agreed on the next steps for more in-depth negotiations for the “Pandemic Treaty”. And the next meeting will take place within the next few days: on April 17-20!! A provisional timeline was also published that suggests the amendments will be finalized by May 2024. We need to act now, before this gets way out of hand:
Sign the petition urging Joe Biden to firmly oppose the entry of the “Pandemic Treaty” and these dangerous provisions that limit our national sovereignty. Thanks for all you do, Ignacio Arsuaga and the entire CitizenGO Team --