
We’ll be direct: Can you make a contribution to support Jon before the FEC deadline tomorrow?


Every single grassroots contribution helps Jon keep leading the tough fights in the Senate. Here’s a quick update on what he’s been working on recently:

  • Legislation that gets dark money out of our democracy and ends gerrymandering for good.

  • Fighting to stop Trump’s trade war that’s hurting farming communities and folks in rural areas all across the country.

  • Defending consumer protections, like passing bipartisan legislation to end the robocalls spamming our phone lines.

Unlike a lot of elected officials, Jon didn’t run for office for power or money. He jumped in the fight because he didn’t see anyone sticking up for family farmers and working people like himself.

That’s why he’s working every day to do right by people in Montana and across America.

Jon is going to keep fighting to make sure elected officials answer to people, not special interests or big super PACs.

Can you make a contribution to support Jon’s work before tomorrow’s crucial FEC deadline? We rely on contributions from small grassroots donors like you, pitching in what you can to meet our fundraising goals. That’s why every contribution matters.


Thanks for sticking with Jon today.

— Team Tester