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Monday, April 17th, 2023


Paul Craig Roberts’s Quest for Truth and Justice

Lew Rockwell

What’s in the Pfizer Documents?

Dr Naomi Wolf

George Kennan and the Wolfowitz Doctrine

Patrick Foy

How Social Darwinism Made Modern China

Ron Unz

Leaks, Clotshots, and Tranny Psyops

Alexandra Bruce

Covid Doctor Who Left Hospital Job Has a Vision for Health Care

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Collateral Murder 13 Years On… Julian Assange Persecuted for Truth-Telling

Strategic Culture

US Moral Authority Is Dead and Buried

Caitlin Johnstone

Did Russian Officials Sting Evan Gershkovich?

Jacob G. Hornberger

Want To Be a Whistleblower? You Better Support the Current Thing

Jordan Schachtel

All Roads Lead to Beijing

Pepe Escobar

How China Is Breaking the Colonial Effects of Western Lending

Moon of Alabama

Political Theatre

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