Hi Friend,  

Independent Women’s Forum is running a nationwide search for stories to feature for “Chasing Work,” our first storytelling video series about the challenges American workers face due to burdensome occupational licensing requirements.

Friend, we want to hear from you. Tell us your story for a chance to be featured in a "Chasing Work" video.

Have you experienced any challenges or hurdles to secure a job-related license? If so, how did it affect you and your loved ones?

Independent Women's Forum will select one person to be featured in a "Chasing Work" video. If you are selected, you will: 
  • Receive $1,000
  • Have a video production team fly out to film your story for Chasing Work
  • Get your story potentially picked up by media outlets--locally and nationally
The video series aims to inform Americans about how some government regulations, such as occupational licensing, make it needlessly difficult for American workers to enter their desired professions. The issue impacts many Americans who struggle to gain licensing in career fields such as yoga, social work, or child care.

It is important that you speak up, because this is an issue affecting far too many Americans who want to work, but are unduly and unfairly burdened by these government regulations and red tape.

If you are interested in working with us, please share your story with us today.

Thank you in advance for your interest,

Patrice Onwuka
Independent Women's Forum
Senior Policy Analyst
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