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On my weekly "Capitol Hill Report," I spoke with Nikki Thunder of KCHE in Cherokee and Erin Sommers of the Pocahontas Record-Democrat about USMCA and the Senate impeachment trial.

Q&A: Iowa Caucuses 2020

Q. What makes the Iowa caucuses unique?
Q. Why should Iowans leave their homes on a cold winter’s night and participate?

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I attended the White House signing ceremony led by President Trump for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Implementation Act. This trade deal means thousands of new jobs and a level playing field for U.S. farmers and manufacturers. It also creates strong protections and opportunities for American workers and innovators. The ratification of USMCA demonstrates President Trump’s credibility on trade and strengthens our hand when negotiating further trade agreements with countries like China. Photos from the signing ceremony can be found here and here, and my tweet can be found here. You can also read my recent op-ed on the importance of USMCA and having strong trading partners around the world here

I'm proud to sponsor Sen. Ernst's bill, the Ensuring Quality Care for Our Veterans Act, which was voted unanimously out of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Our nation’s veterans served their country and it’s our responsibility to take care of them when they come home. Veterans and their families should have confidence in their VA health care providers. This bill requires that every health care provider hired by the VA with a revoked license undergoes a third party review of that provider’s care. If the review determines that a competent practitioner would have managed the veteran’s care differently, the veteran will be notified. I’m proud to work with Sen. Ernst as she leads the fight for better care for our veterans.

I recently joined my colleagues to introduce a bipartisan resolution to bring awareness to human trafficking. The resolution shows support for National Trafficking and Modern Slavery Prevention Month. Human trafficking and exploitation has no place in our society. Sadly though, it still occurs in communities all across our country, including Iowa. Bringing greater awareness to this form of modern-day slavery is critical to facing it head on and restoring the dignity and addressing the trauma of those impacted. This resolution shines a light on trafficking and continues our important work in the Senate to put an end to this abomination.

Post of the Week


Teresa Davidson from Cedar Rapids was appointed by Pres Trump as a member of the Public-Private Partnership Advisory Council to End Human Trafficking

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