Picture this: Once majestic trees come crashing down as bulldozers plow over the earth. The world’s last standing forests are being turned into monoculture plantations for corporate profit. All while people, the planet, and wildlife suffer. Wall Street giant BlackRock is putting HUGE MONEY behind companies wreaking terror on globally-important ecosystems! Act now!

Jungles that once held vibrant ecosystems are being razed as BlackRock invests in greedy corporations slashing trees for profit. We’re losing rainforests fast. With each second that passes BlackRock funnels more money into destructive agribusiness. Help save tropical rainforests from BlackRock-funded destruction by 11:59pm TONIGHT!

BlackRock’s investments enable companies to VIOLENTLY EXPEL INDIGENOUS PEOPLE from their land, turning ecosystems stewarded by communities into industrial plantations for profit. Agribusiness is the world’s leading cause of deforestation and the violent land conflicts that come with it – and BlackRock is financing some of the worst companies out there.  

BlackRock wields $10 TRILLION in assets. It could use that influence for good instead of funding human rights abuses and ecosystem collapse. But BlackRock won’t halt deforestation without a push. Friend, help us reach our goal of 34 signatures from your area and tell Blackrock: STOP FUNDING DEFORESTATION!

Standing with you,
Gaurav Madan
Senior forests and lands campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
