A right-wing judge recently struck down a major provision in the Affordable Care Act which required insurers to cover a vast amount of preventative care cost-free.

We need to protect and expand access to affordable care — not take it away. Add your name if you agree:


John — this is dire:

  • A conservative judge in Texas struck down a major part of the Affordable Care Act which helped cover many preventative services.
  • This includes many contraceptives, screenings for cancer, HIV prevention, and pregnancy-related care.
  • Millions of Americans rely on the Affordable Care Act for their healthcare coverage every year. This ruling could cost lives.

It’s clear this is just the beginning. If Mitch McConnell gets his way, a Republican Senate majority could fully repeal the Affordable Care Act. We need to speak out in the face of Republican-led attacks on our healthcare.

Quickly, sign on to our petition if you believe we must protect and expand access to the Affordable Care Act »


Thank you,

– Defend the Senate