Tulsi Gabbard for President

Jack —

We’re less than 2 hours from our critical FEC deadline and will get to that shortly. FIRST though, we need to talk about tonight’s new affront to ‘We, The People’: The DNC just changed their debate-qualifying rules so that billionaire Michael Bloomberg will be able to buy his way onto the stage.

So while our movement rallies together, calling on CNN to let the voters hear from the fields' only female combat veteran and woman of color alongside the men she’s polling well above — the DNC relaxes the rules that have caused most *non billionaire* candidates to drop out, drained of finances.

The American people deserve SO much better than this. Tulsi is committed to restoring the Democratic Party to one that truly represents ALL the American people, but we can’t just wait for it to happen. We need to make it happen. And that brings us to this moment: In two hours we’ll be closing the books on the last FEC deadline before voters head to the polls in New Hampshire. We’re $12K away from $1 million as of a minute ago… will you donate $12 now to get us over the line?

When the Granite State goes to vote in just two weeks, they will head to the polls having heard an earful from the candidates CNN chooses to support, from the billionaires like Steyer and Bloomberg who have poured literally HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars into advertising over these past few weeks. It’s true we cannot match that spend, but we CAN raise enough to make sure Tulsi is heard by millions MORE voters before they head to the polls, and that’s enough to keep our forward momentum going.

Thank you for digging deep over the past 48 hours, it’s making a difference. Let’s keep it up in these final two.