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Hello, True Texan friends!
Hope you made it through tax season without too much stress. Please know I'm sharing in your pain. As a self-employed person, my family cuts that personal check every year, and it is excruciating. I firmly believe if everyone had to write a personal check instead of subtly making paycheck deductions, our taxes would be a lot lower. Taxation is theft! And this, of course, reminds me of a sign posted in my friend's office back when he was a State Rep:
Desk plaque in Rep Jonathan Stickland's office
The more aware you are of the dirty, rotten tricks politicians play on the citizens who trust them, the easier it is to become jaded and grumpy. I despised politics growing up because it made everyone angry.
But True Texas Project is different.
Politicians who won't listen? Culture turning everything upside down and backwards? People doggedly picking sides in what essentially amounts to a uniparty? It's all so dysfunctional, and we will fight it every step of the way, but we do it together, and we sprinkle in enough good times here and there to maintain our sanity!
Here are just a few examples:
Friends from our Dallas TTP gathered to chat over coffee.
Patriots in Tarrant met up for the "party after the party."
Troy Ratterree, aka Kenny Rogers, pitched a perfect game this week, giving the True Texans a 3-0 record.
We plan multiple opportunities all around the state every month to give you a chance to unwind with fellow patriots. Join in! It will make this journey a lot more fun!
Happy anniversary to the tea party!
It was 14 years ago on Tax Day, April 15, 2009, when my husband and I, along with our 2-yr-old daughter, attended the very first tea party rally at the Dallas County Courthouse. That's the day I signed up to start a tea party in Grapevine... and that eventually became what is now True Texas Project!
My 2-yr-old found the "fun" in dysfunctional too!
Legislative Update
Testimony at Senate Committee Hearing
Our Citizen Advocates had a very busy week at the Capitol, registering for or against bills, testifying at committee hearings, delivering papers to committee members, and talking with legislators.
The session is more than half over, so it's crunch time. Lots of things are happening, and happening very fast! (although some not fast enough)
The Friday Action message this week is chock full of information and action items. If you have not already seen it, please take a look and take action in whatever way you can. If you can't come to the Capitol, you can call, or write to members to push our priorities. Contact information is included in the message. And if you can't go, or call, or write, please pray for our efforts.
1) We are circulating a petition to stop legal gambling coming into Texas. Please watch this video, then sign the petition. Our activists will be delivering them to House members and the Governor on Tuesday. Join us on Tuesday if you can. It's 151 offices to visit - we need many hands to make light work.
2) The RPT is hosting two special events on April 20 and 25. The 20th is focused on getting gender modification passed and the 25th is focused on the package of bills aimed at stopping the sexualization of children. Details on both are in Fran's Friday Message linked above.
3) Also on April 25th, our TTP activists will gather for a small training opportunity on Testifying at Committee Hearings. We will meet at 10 in Commissioner Sid Miller's conference room. Details in the Friday message linked above.
We hope you'll join us at the Capitol whenever possible. We're there every Tuesday and other days as the schedule dictates. If you need a ride just let us know - we'll do our best to pair you up with someone else who is coming from your area. See you at the Capitol!
Activist Training!
Here's your chance to become a Certified True Texan! Classes are being offered April 22 in DFW. Don't know what it means to be certified?
Click the image above to watch this video & learn what it's all about!
And now, signup! We're offering 4 of our 5 core classes. They get rave reviews!
The winning location for our attendance contest will be announced at the end of this week! I hope it's you!!!
Local Elections
Our list of recommended candidates for the upcoming local elections for city councils, ISD boards, and county colleges continues to grow, so check back often! And don't forget to get your TTP yard sign out to tell your neighbors where to find help with their choices! Add the topper on April 24!
Early voting starts April 24. Election Day is May 6.
TTP yard signs are sold at all TTP meetings for $10.
Where can I find...?
Ever since we started this group 14 years ago, I have made a conscious effort to respond to anyone who comes to me needing help or asking a question. It takes a lot of time, but I think teamwork and accessibility is important.
You know what else is important? Personal responsibility! It's one of TTP's core principles, actually, which you can find listed on our website. Why do I bring that up? Because while I do place a priority on helping our peeps when they need it, I also have a small request... Before coming to me, check our website! Nearly everything you need to know is RIGHT THERE!
You don't have to text, call, tweet, IM, or email me for the address to the meeting, the time for the coffee, the name of the speaker, who we're recommending for office, how to register for an event, or what counties we are located in. All that and more is all right there!
Look at all those headings with all that information!!!
Need help in other ways? I can probably guide you. And if you do reach out for these basic details, I'm still gonna help you. But give a gal a break... maybe peruse before you post!
This week at True Texas Project...
You can always see our upcoming events by checking the Events page at this link but here’s a complete list of the week ahead. Click on the images to enlarge them, or right click to save them for sharing! And remember, no matter where you live, you are welcome at any meeting or event.
Monday 4/17 Collin County Meeting Families Engaged for Effective Education
Thanks for reading! If you have questions, tips, or encouragement for the True Texas Team, reply to this email.
For Texas, Julie McCarty, CEO, and the True Texas team
P.S. Texas Tough is on Friday night! I can't wait to tell you all about it next week. If you are not using your tickets, please let us know. We can't refund them, and I don't want to mess with finding someone to buy them off of you, but we can probably find someone willing to go in your place! It is sold out!
True Texas Project works hard to train and engage activists. Can you help? We are 100% donation-based. Click here to donate to our cause. TrueTexasProject.com
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