Team, I'm backstage at the DNC Detroit debate right now and I thought it'd be a good time to check in.

Cory’s made it clear tonight: "The person enjoying this debate the most is Donald Trump. As we pick each other apart, the Republicans are trying to gut Obamacare."

Again and again, Donald Trump has shown us who he is. The question in this election is: who are we as a people? But Cory has a plan.

America has serious problems, deep wounds, and deeply-rooted injustices.

Our call in this election is to unite in common cause and common purpose. That’s how Cory will beat Donald Trump and that’s how he’ll lead our party and our country as your president.

If you like what you’re hearing from Cory on that stage, can you rush a donation by midnight so we can meet our end-of-month fundraising deadline?

When he walks off that stage, I would love to be able to tell him that a huge number of small-dollar donors stepped up tonight to help us smash our July fundraising goal.

What do you say, team? Will you help make sure that I’m able to tell Cory we hit our goal when the debate is over?

We’re $14,267 away from our $400,000 July goal. Chip in here:

Alright, that’s enough from me. We’ve still got some more time left here in Detroit -- so tune in if you haven’t already and enjoy the rest of the debate!

Talk soon,

Addisu Demissie
Campaign Manager
Cory 2020







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