Congresswoman Lesko Weekly Update

Good Afternoon,

I hope everyone had a great week! If you would like to share this newsletter with others, please direct them to this link and encourage them to subscribe.

Lesko Experiences ASU's Dreamscape Learn

I had a great time trying out ASU's Dreamscape Learn, a virtual reality that utilizes cutting-edge technology to help students learn!


Lesko Speaks with Arizona Municipal Power Users' Association 

It was great to meet with the Arizona Municipal Power Users' Association to discuss updates on protecting Arizona’s critical resources, including our water supply and energy grid.


Lesko Supports Amateur Radio

I joined the Amateur Radio Relay League's HamFest and met with amateur radio operators in Arizona! I'm proud to support amateur radio operators who play a critical role in emergency situations and have provided invaluable contributions to our nation!


In the News

I want to make sure you don't miss a minute of what I’m doing to fight for Arizonans each and every day. Check out my latest interviews below!

Politics Unplugged

I joined Dennis Welch’s Politics Unplugged on Arizona's Family to discuss how the pathetically weak indictment of President Trump is just another political witch hunt against him and how my colleagues and I on the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic are investigating the origins of COVID-19. Watch my full interview below:

Play Button

GET THE FACTS: Keeping Our Commitment to America

With the majority, House Republicans are keeping our Commitment to America. We are hard at work to better the lives of the American people by fighting for an economy that’s strong, a nation that’s safe, a future that’s built on freedom, and a government that’s accountable. In just the first few months, we have passed H.R. 5, the Parents Bill of Rights, voted to reopen the People’s House, repeal President Biden’s 87,000 IRS agents, end proxy voting, and eliminate the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for our military service members. We have also passed legislation on a bipartisan basis to establish the Select Committee on China, block Biden’s burdensome Waters of the United States rule, stop the selling of our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China, nullify Washington, D.C.’s soft-on-crime bill, terminate the COVID-19 national emergency, and lower Americans' energy costs. House Republicans are stepping up to the plate with common sense legislation that will strengthen our great nation. We have had major wins with our new majority, but there is still much work to be done. We are just getting started, and we will never stop fighting on behalf of the American people!


Casework Highlight

A constituent contacted our office regarding the status of his late father’s COVID-19 funeral assistance application. Our office contacted the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and inquired about the status of his application. As a result of our inquiry, FEMA processed the constituent's application, and he received the necessary assistance.

Mobile Office Hours

Our office is hosting Mobile Office Hours on Friday, April 21, 2023, at the Deer Valley Community Center in Phoenix, AZ from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM AZ Time. Our casework team is ready to answer your questions and assist you with federal agencies.


Congressional Art Competition

Our office is accepting submissions for the 2023 Congressional Art Competition now until May 3, 2023. The Congressional Art Competition is open to students, grades 9-12, who reside or attend school in Arizona's 8th Congressional District. The winner will have their work displayed for one year in the U.S. Capitol. Please click here for more information.

Tell Congresswoman Lesko

Do you know a business or location I should visit? Click the link here and let me know!

We are Here to Help

As always, my office is here to help. My Surprise district office is open and serving constituents. To make an appointment with the office, please call 623-776-7911.

My Washington, D.C. office is open and answering your calls. Please feel free to contact us via phone at 202-225-4576 or via email by going to my website at

I encourage you to visit the website and to also follow me on Twitter, Instagram, ParlerGettr, and Truth Social, and like my Facebook page for up to date information on what I'm doing and how my office can help you.

May God continue to bless you and our great Nation.


Congresswoman Debbie Lesko

