Friend, According to an explosive new investigation by ProPublica, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has reportedly received undisclosed luxury travel and gifts from Republican mega-donor and real estate magnate Harlan Crow.[1] These gifts, which include luxury vacations, private jet travel, an island-hopping cruise, accommodations at exclusive resorts, and more, raise serious questions about potential conflicts of interest and the impartiality of Justice Thomas. Later reporting from ProPublica, revealed that Harlan Crow bought property from Justice Thomas – which also went undisclosed.[2] This brazen violation of federal law by Justice Thomas underscores his troubling pattern of either underreporting or choosing to not report gifts and financial transactions at all – demonstrating a knowing and willful violation of the law despite his assertion that he had no federal reporting obligations. As supporters of transparency, accountability, and the rule of law, we cannot turn a blind eye to such misconduct. It is crucial that we hold all public officials, including members of the Supreme Court, accountable to the highest standards of ethical conduct. No one, regardless of their position or status, should be above the law. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to restoring integrity to our federal judiciary. Zach, People For the American Way
Sources: [1] "Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire" ProPublica, 4/6/23 [2] "Billionaire Harlan Crow Bought Property From Clarence Thomas. The Justice Didn’t Disclose the Deal." ProPublica, 4/13/23