Mike Bloomberg 2020

Rising prescription drug prices are forcing too many families to choose between getting the care they need and going into debt. That's not right -- and we have to act.

Donald Trump told us: "We're gonna get drug prices so far lower than they are now, your head will spin." But what has he done to take on the problem?


The fact is: Drug prices jumped 10% in the first six months of 2019 alone. For every drug that dropped in price, 96 drugs became more expensive. And Donald Trump continues to bow down to the pharmaceutical lobby.

I've never taken a penny from big drug companies -- or anyone else. And I've got a plan to deliver better health care for all Americans -- at lower prices that everyone can afford.

We will eliminate loopholes that allow big drug companies to abuse the system, reform the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit to encourage greater competition, and cap annual out-of-pocket costs for seniors. Each of these measures will bring costs down.

We must bring down the cost of care. Tell us why you support Mike on gun safety, climate change, or health care today and you'll be entered to win a trip to Miami!


We can't afford any more broken promises -- not while Americans across our country struggle to get care they need at prices they can afford. With your support, I will get this done.

Mike Bloomberg

Paid for by Mike Bloomberg 2020

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