Survivors of sex trafficking had a voice at the White House this week.
Survivors of sex trafficking had a voice at the White House this week.
Defending Dignity Weekly Newsletter
Highlights: NCOSE at the White House, the Super Bowl, the Dirty Dozen, and more!

No, Mr. Nanjiani. Pornhub and Free Porn Are Neither "Good" Nor "Nice"

In the midst of a Conan on TBS segment, popular actor Kumail Nanjiani, show host Conan O’Brien, and show sidekick Andy Richter riffed on how “nice” Pornhub Premium’s content is and the possibility of Kumail sharing his subscription with both Richter and Nanjiani’s own father. The three men also expressed their appreciation for free porn and how “good” it is on its own. Afterwards, they transitioned to talking about Nanjiani’s outspoken activism on other issues and noted how he has been recognized for being widely influential as an activist and advocate.
We are calling on Mr. Nanjiani to review the evidence and to reconsider how he uses his platform to promote massive perpetrators of sexual abuse and exploitation.
Because Pornhub and the porn industry are neither "good" nor "nice."
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Help Raise Awareness About Sex Trafficking During Super Bowl Weekend

Why does sex trafficking increase in areas that hold big events such as the Super Bowl? Because of the influx of people who demand commercial sex. #TackleDemand 
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Get Ready for the 2020 Dirty Dozen List Launch Event on February 6!

A lot of powerful change is about to happen and we need your help to make it happen!
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NCOSE Attends White House Event Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act

20 years ago, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act was passed by the Clinton administration. On January 31, 2020, we were able to attend a White House event celebrating the landmark legislation. There were several things about the event that were encouraging:
  • Survivors spoke first 
  • There was respect and deference to survivors for their wisdom, experience, and solutions
  • There was discussion about going after the sex buyers and traffickers in order to truly stop the problem
  • There was commitment to not criminalizing victims and to clearing the records of those who have been wrongfully penalized
  • There was acknowledgement of the need to spend more money on law enforcement training and resources that will help officials better prevent these crimes and prosecute the perpetrators rather than the victims
  • There was recognition that exploitation disproportionately impacts minorities and there were multiple affirmations of the need for solutions to help Native American women and children who are very often overlooked
With gratitude,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President and Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation

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