
The Supreme Court will be asked to rule on the safety of mifepristone soon — less than a year after they gutted Roe v. Wade and opened the doors for all this chaos in the first place. 

I don’t trust them to do the right thing here. That’s why our team has set up an emergency goal to raise $5,000 by tomorrow night in order to prepare. Can you chip in any amount right now to help us get there?

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As a reminder, mifepristone is safe and effective, and one step of the most common form of abortion in the country. 

If extremist conservatives were actually concerned about safety, they would be going after Viagra, which has been linked to 10 times as many deaths per year, or guns, which are responsible for over 9,000 times as many. They’re hypocrites, plain and simple, and we’re going to fight like hell to make sure everyone knows it. 

Thanks for sticking with us, 
