I'm getting ready to head to the California convention in just a couple weeks.  Can you help me get there? I really hate asking for money, but the truth is I can't do this without your contributions. Your support is what gets me to these conventions. Your support is what puts me on a stage in front of Libertarians who need to hear the truth - that their old methods aren't working and it's time to try somethign new.

There are plenty of haters out there trying to shut me down. They say that my hat is an embarasment to the party. But numbers don't lie. We have run statistical analysis promoting videos with and without the hat to people who have never heard of myself or the libertarian party. The hat always gets more positive reactions.

In fact, many people who brought their support to the Behrman 2020 campaign came from supporting Trump, Sanders, Yang and others, and they specifically mention that the hat is what brought them here.

Forward our emails to your friends and invite them to read my policies at Behrman2020.com. Post screen shots of your contributions on social media, and let everyone know who you support!

Should I wear my hat to California?

The Great Hat-roversy of 2020 continues! My next convention is in Culver City, CA on 2/14/2020. Should I go hatless? This is a straight up competition - whichever link raises the most donations before the convention wins. If pro-Hatness out-donates the mad anti-hatters, His Royal Hatness comes to California!

     Use the first link below to fight against my hat! Use the second link below to endorse my hat!

Keep the hat: https://donorbox.org/behrman2020-keep-the-hat-ca

Donate to lose the hat: https://donorbox.org/behrman2020-lose-the-hat-ca

Your donations, whether large or small, will ensure we get to the Libertarian Conventions. We need at least 250 people to donate at least $50 per month. That's less than being tax slaves!

In Liberty,

Dan Taxation Is Theft Behrman