Hello, I hope that you are having a great week. 
Last Friday I spoke at the University of Pennsylvania.  I also met with Forward leaders and volunteers in Philadelphia – it was an inspiring group.  “We need more choices in our leaders” was a common sentiment.  They were gearing up for their first ever statewide convention in Gettysburg in May. They were also choosing delegates to attend the first Forward national convention that runs from June 22nd – 25th in Denver. 

We met at a tavern in Philadelphia.  One of the organizers quipped, “The taverns of Philadelphia have been very important to American democracy.” 
There are groups like this getting together in states around the country, from Colorado to South Carolina to Oregon to everywhere in-between.  Forward now has over 40,000 volunteers. The public calendar for Forward has almost 50 events – from signature gatherings to strategy sessions to rallies for Ranked Choice Voting – in April alone.  I will be speaking in San Francisco and Los Angeles next weekend to catalyze support for our registration efforts in California.  I’m also speaking in Seattle and Raleigh in May with more events on the way. 
At every event, I’m blown away by the nature and energy of the people who are there, eager to take us toward a better, brighter future. 
It’s exciting seeing the movement grow – more and more Americans realize that our current political system is not designed to advance meaningful solutions or even to allow most of us a choice in our elected representatives.  
At a national level, a Biden vs. Trump rematch in 2024 seems increasingly likely, even as a majority of Americans aren’t happy with either of those options.  As these pieces fall into place, the desire for a new approach will only grow. 
I am pumped to be touring the country leading up to the convention in June, which should be an epic gathering.  A literal rockstar just said that he would be joining us in Denver.  It will be genuinely historic. 
If you’ve been interested in Forward, now is the time to get involved.  Find your state chapter here.  Make a donation here – every bit counts.  Pick up some swag, which serves a couple goals at the same time. 
And please do come see me and the gang on the road!  It’ll be great to see you.  

Andrew Yang

Founder, Forward Party

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